Ammonites, fossils and pyrite from Jurassic coast in England, Dorset and Devon, Lyme Regis, Charmouth beach.

Ammonites on my mind

My main goal in traveling to England's Jurassic coast was to search for fossils like ammonites, Belemnites, and Ichthyosaurus vertebrae. And yes, I chose the word 'search' rather than find...

Watching: The Andy Warhol Diaries

The Andy Warhol Diaries is the dictated memoirs of the American artist Andy Warhol, posthumously published. It was edited by his frequent collaborator and long-time friend, Pat Hackett, and first...

Famous Five by Enid Blyton, ginger biscuits, Jurassic coast travel, England,

Still a Famous Five fan :-)

Did I get ginger biscuits just because I used to read about them in the Famous Five books? Yep! Very much. I even texted a good friend who lives in England...

Watching in March

1. What identical twins separated at birth teach us about genetics.   2. Blown away. Unconsciously I've been waiting for a series like this...

Early Nordic spring in Sweden, nature photography,

The beauty of early spring

Sure flowers are pretty and they bring unique colors to a landscape, but to me, there isn't much that can beat the beauty of ice in all shapes and forms....

Colorful dog mom style, pin by,

What gives away that I’m not Swedish?

One simple fact: I wear color in winter haha :-)   Recently I saw a few TikTok clips about dressing Scandinavian/Swedish and every single one of them was wearing black head to toe....

Watching & reading in February

- The L-word, generation Q, S2. I'm actually not so much into drama series where people fight over stupid things and relationships change every five minutes, but well, here I am...

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