Textures of early spring

After the snow melts away, the earth slowly gets back to life, revealing the most magnificent textures and colors.
When you look reel close, you can spot a bit of fresh new grass.
I remember that a few years ago, in late April Joeri asked me: “I thought that the grass would be green here. Wasn’t it all green last summer?”
We were on a little road trip to visit old mining locations and looked at all the beige and brown around us. Some winters have that effect, where at some point it feels like summer will never happen again. But it’s also very confusing when I see the green winter lawns in pictures of our home country Belgium 🙂
Mogwai looking super cute as always 🙂
I’ve tried capturing the sounds of the lake, but it’s incredibly difficult. In winter we often get whale-like sounds or loud snaps as if a winter cowboy whips the lake. In spring, it’s rather some kind of dripping with light pops now and then.
After the snow boots, it’s time for the rain boots to come out 🙂