Nov 2016
Grafixx 2016- a short review

DeAuteurs award/ Serge Baeken
Finally, after waiting for a long time, having it it big letters on my calendar, there was GRAFIXX (Antwerp, BE) again; a festival that celebrates not only paper and print but also its 5th anniversary! Congrats 🙂
At Grafixx there is a lot to do, see, explore, try and buy: zinefest, lectures, workshops, performances, … with a variety of artists/illustrators. A perfect way to brighten up the dark months and gather new information and inspiration from around the world. (and eat delicious cupcakes. Yeah, just had to mention 🙂 )
First stop: The zinefest is the candy-shop for paper & print-lovers, with graphic novels, zines, postcards and more from around the world. The hardest part was, like always: making a choice…! Perfectly healthy for the teeth, but not for your wallet.

zinefest treasures
Except from eye-candy and inspirational exhibitions I was very interested in the presentations by artists. One of the side-things that struck me was the rude attitude of audience at some presentations. Yes, language can be a barrier and not every presentation was as well prepared as one would like/expect, but it’s not the end of the world to be polite for about an hour and just remain seated.
It’s worth it to give the other the chance to find the right words to express his/her ideas and concepts. There is always something to learn.

Lecture: Atak (De)/ Hans Georg Barber
4 Highlights of my weekend:
– The revival of printing techniques: although I expected a little more in depth arguments and perspectives during this debate, it was enthralling to hear- and funny to watch the glasses of water accidentally go around.
– De Beren Gieren x The Tings We Are: a strong performance in which drawing and music came together. This combination was bursting of energy and positivism while pen and sound made unexpected twists. This pianist had a great way to back up and support at points of doubts, changes or nervousness, immediately accompanied by the drummer and bass player.
– Stefan Marx: The work of Stefan Marx looks like there is not one line too much. It’s simple but has humor (or irony) but most of all the way he talks about his work is both inspiring and amusing and feels like it’s focused on the work itself and the joy and need of creating.
– Nigel Peake: Last but definitely not least. This presentation was in a good way a bit strange. A bit different. It was not only about the work but everything around, it gave a better insight on the creator, the reasons, the ways of thinking and how dots in a strange universe can(‘t) be connected.

signing session after lecture with Stefan Marx

De Beren Gieren x The Things We Are performance