Diefstal van de eeuw, Jan Walraven

Diefstal van de eeuw, Jan Walraven

*This book by Jan Walraven is written in Dutch and although it’s probably not translated, I found it interesting enough to share here on the blog. The title could be translated as “The theft of the century, how we lost our privacy and how we can regain it.”

For a long time, I felt like most people around me, like an average person who didn’t have anything to hide. I didn’t share weird pictures on facebook, I didn’t live on twitter and I kept an eye on what websites I use as well as security. Two things changed. First of all my own relationship to social media in general by my 62days north experiment a few years ago and secondly digging a bit deeper in both the effects of social media on our lifestyles/wellbeing and what they call ‘big data’ and other terms that were unknown to me. After reading this book, or perhaps about our privacy in general, it’s hard to not get at least a tiny bit paranoid or at least very cautious for evolutions in the (nearby) future.




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